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What services do you provide?We offer massage and holistic pulsing, as well as a number of products and gift packs that support holistic wellbeing. Massage available is relaxation, deep tissue remedial, pregnancy massage and children's massage. To see our range, click on the Services page and our Shop or email
What can I expect at my first massage appointment?Your first massage appointment takes generally around 10-30 minutes longer than other appointments. During the first session, we will go through a form (hopefully it has been filled out online prior to the appointment to give the therapist a heads up if anything to be concerned about, and also saves time for us both), and discuss any concerns, as well as things like pressure, areas you prefer not touched, any other questions you may have. If you have filled in the online form prior to the appointment, the above time will not eat in to your massage time. If you choose not to fill in the form prior to the appointment, the therapist may reduce the amount of "hands on" time you have. I will leave the room while you get changed and lay down on the table, covering yourself with the covers provided. The massage session starts with some holistic pulsing, which is basically gentle rocking, to slowly bring your body into a relaxed parasympathetic state. Then the massage begins. I will connect with you intermittently to check on temperature, comfort, pressure and make sure you are feeling safe and okay. I am more than happy to adapt throughout if needed. Your comfort and safety is the most important part of the massage session. If you don't feel safe, your body won't relax. If your body won't relax, it will hinder your body's own healing process. I usually finish the massage on head and neck (if the client is okay with this, otherwise we can finish on the feet, or I will finish with a light pulse). I then leave the room and give you a minute to relax, while I get hot towels for your face and back. Then I leave the room and leave you to get changed. Filtered water and mints are available for you. When you are ready, I will knock and re-enter to check in, manage payment and say farewell.
Am I covered during a massage?Yes. There will always be a cover over you and we try our best to keep your modesty in tact at all times, and keep professional draping. There is always at least a cotton sarong sheet covering your body. If we are in cooler months, then a fleece cover and/or blanket is also draped on top the sarong or another fleece covering. However, it all depends on what you need to feel comfortable. It's important that you are warm and comfortable throughout the massage session.
Do I wear clothes?If you have booked a holistic pulsing session, you will be fully clothed for the whole session. You will also have a draping of some sort over you. If you have booked a massage, you may undress to your level of comfort. Many prefer to keep their underwear on during a massage, while others choose to be nude. This is not an excuse or pre-empt for any untoward behaviour, which will not be tolerated. Your massage therapist will leave the room so you can undress and lie on the massage table under a top sheet. If you prefer to remain dressed, body-fitting clothes that are comfortable will be your best option. Just be aware that this may limit the therapeutic benefits as your massage therapist will not be able to have direct contact with your skin and muscles. Regardless of whether you choose to maintain some clothing or not, your massage therapist will always ensure that you are properly covered.
Is there any pain during a massage?We do not subscribe to the "no pain no gain" philosophy and will do our best for you to be at optimal comfort and a relaxed state. There should be no pain with a holistic pulsing or relaxation massage. If you have chosen a therapeutic remedial massage, there can be discomfort and some pain from sore areas, but we will always work within a 1-10 scale that guages pressure based on your level of tolerance, not exceeding your tolerance. Your body needs to be in a relaxed state in order to facilitate optimal healing.
Do you cater to sensory needs?Yes we endeavour to. We do this by: 1. Having a low lit room with unscented candles. 2. Soft relaxation music playing, but the client can also choose their own music, make suggestions or bring your own headphones and music with you. 2. Having very little smell or no smell in the room depending on the sensitivity of the client. 3. A client can make a note on the pre-appointment form if they have any sensory needs such as smell, lighting, music type, volume, type of massage oil/balm used (smells to avoid etc). 4. Discussing any needs with the client beforehand. 5. Asking the client or the clients parent if there is anything that might trigger them during a massage session, to help minimise any triggers.
Do you cater for children?Yes we do cater for children. We appreciate it may be challenging for a child to come to a stranger for a massage. To help reduce the stress around this, we are happy to provide photos of the studio and also even arrange a "visit only" prior to the massage appointment, so they have the opportunity to meet the massage therapist and see if they feel at ease. During a session, we can have a chair next to the massage table, for the parent to sit near their child and help put them at ease. The session is tailored to hold time and space for the child and go at their pace. This may mean that the first session is getting to know them and say only their arms massaged. It may be that they wish to stay fully clothed in the first session. It is only if they feel fully comfortable that we would move to another area of the body or remove an item of clothing. There is no pressure, and the most important objective is to build trust, build relationship and for your child to feel safe. Over time we can slowly graduate to the parent being in the room, but sitting elsewhere, maybe sitting in the next room, and who knows eventually may even be able to let mum go off and have a cup of coffee or do some groceries! Again, its tailored to the needs of the child and the parent, and working at their pace.
Do you have off-street parking?Yes. When you arrive at 1478 Cameron Road, drive up the driveway and you can park anywhere in that space at the end. There is also plenty of room to turn around, as this is designated for client parking only.
Where are you located?The Massage with M studio is at 1478 Cameron Road, Greerton, Tauranga. This is opposite the golf course in Greerton, near the Pyes Pa roundabout. It is a based from home business, and is positioned at the back of the house overlooking gardens and a horse paddock! There is a separate external entrance to the studio, and you will find the Massage with M sign on the door. If you can't see the sign on the door, you are in the wrong place! :)
Do you have wheelchair access?I have a 2nd massage table set up in the adjoining internal garage. This allows clients to enter through the garage door. However, I do not have wheelchair access toilet facilities. I also do not have a hoist, and you would need to bring a support person with you if you need help getting on to the table, as I would not be able to manage this on my own. There is also an area for a support person to sit during the massage session.
How do we pay for the service?There are several options available for payment. 1. By direct credit to the Massage with M bank account, and message me a screenshot showing payment. BNZ 02-0437-xxxxxxxx 2. Cash (a handwritten receipt can be provided upon request) 3. Through the BNZpayments app on my mobile phone. This will work with any cards that have a chip. 4. Soon to offer online facility for paying by credit card and Afterpay/Laybuy (coming soon, sign up to our newsletter to be notified when this happens).
What are you prices?Our prices range from $50 for a half hour session or kids massage, through to $170 for 2 hours deep tissue therapeutic. Pop along to our services page for details of the services provided, with the different prices available to suit different budgets. We also offer a koha service from time to time, usually when the massage therapist is doing a stint of further training, or business is going well and aligning with my altruistic heart, would just like to share the love.
Do you offer discounts?We offer a SuperGold Card discount of 12% for SuperGold cardholders. Please let me know when you book in. If you have entered your birthday in the online form, the Fresha system will send you a notification to get $10 off a service on your birthday. There is also an opportunity to receive $10 off your next massage, when you refer a friend, and they book in and complete a massage or holistic pulsing session with Massage with M. Keep an eye out on our facebook page, or sign up to our newsletter to watch out for when we have specials days or a koha day from time to time. You can also purchase a membership pack which allows you to buy 3 or 5 services at once, and this gives you a saving, as well as a complimentary head or foot massage.
Do you offer laybuy?We do not currently offer facility for laybuy. However, we are looking in to offering Afterpay or Laybuy in the near future. Join our mailing list to find out when this becomes available. If you are finding it extra hard and really need a massage, contact us to discuss whether we can arrange part-payments or a koha. This is on a case-by-case basis, and will not be available for new clients.
Do you offer happy endings?Yes, unfortunately I do need to have this question and be blunt about this, as I do receive alot of phone calls asking for this and often late at night. If I am phoned late at night for a massage, I block the number. No. We do not offer happy endings, body slides or any services that are sexual in any way shape or form. This is for holistic bodywork only, providing "non-sexual" massage and holistic pulsing.
Do you offer any referral incentives?Yes. We do offer a $10 off your next massage if you refer someone and they book a massage or holistic pulsing with Massage with M, and see this through to completion. To qualify, make sure you get the person to mention who referred them.
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